An anime adaptation of The Dangers in My Heart has been announced. The series follows two high school friends who couldn’t be more different… or at least that’s how it appears at first.
Kyotaro Ichikawa is a loner with a strong imagination and likes to pretend he’s the star of some thrilling story. Going at his own pace, he doesn’t have many friends and is considered a loner by his class. Conversely, Anna Yamada is the class idol; she’s cool, popular, just about everything Kyotaro isn’t. But Anna has a few eccentricities herself and as the two become friends maybe she’ll start to feel more comfortable being herself.
原作 #桜井のりお 先生から
HP:僕ヤバ— 「僕の心のヤバイやつ」TVアニメ公式@Blu-ray&サントラ好評発売中 (@bokuyaba_anime) August 1, 2022
The manga version of The Dangers in My Heart is published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment.