Matt Walsh attacks anime again, says men who like it are morbidly obese

Right-wing pundit and Daily Wire host Matt Walsh has been attracting controversy by once again making mock-inflammatory statements against anime fans and gamers. 

It started earlier this week, the anniversary of Matt Walsh’s infamous statement that anime is satanic. Walsh took some time to reflect on this moment, and chose to double down, saying that yes, anime is probably satanic, or at least satan-influenced.

However, he says that he no longer believes men who watch anime to be a genuine threat to society, but only because they are all “morbidly obese,” and even more fragile than social justice warriors on the left.

Walsh’s editor team then compared men who watch anime to an inflated Aunt Marge from Harry Potter, a nasty woman who is inflated with so much air that she becomes a balloon and (in the movies) floats out of the house.

In other segments on his show, and in the shows following the initial statements against anime fans, Walsh doubled down on his related pop-culture takes and separately took to task conservative fans of his who spend all day watching anime and being attracted to underage anime girls.

Reiterating past statements that anime is degenerate and is inappropriate for “grown -ass men,” to be enjoying, Walsh made it clear he wasn’t apologizing or retracting any of his previous statements against this segment of pop-culture.

While some of Walsh’s fans agree, calling anime woke, others have called him out for needlessly alienating segments of his base.

After watching Sonic the Hedgehog 3 In the past few months, Walsh has also been warring with fans of the film, calling it one of the worst children’s film ever made and saying it was inappropriate both for children and adults.



Pro-Goblin thinks goblin girls are hecking cute. Scrubb, scrubb, scrubb.

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