Official Box Art and First Screenshots for Valkyria Chronicles Remaster Unveiled

valkyria chronicles remaster 11-19-15-1

Sega has shared the first screenshots and official Japanese box art, alongside launching the official website for Valkyria Chronicles Remaster.

Featured above, you can view the game’s official Japanese box art. The game runs on PlayStation 4 at 1080p, comes with all of the post-launch DLC included, and has PlayStation Network trophy support as well.

You can find the first batch of official screenshots below:

Finally, an official Valkyria Project Twitter account has been created, which you can follow via @Valkyria_Sega.

Valkyria Chronicles Remaster is launching for PlayStation 4 in Japan on February 10th, 2016, and will come with a playable demo for Valkyria: Azure Revolution.



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