New Details for Final Fantasy XV Episode Ignis DLC – Noctis Battle, Post-Game Route, More

Square Enix has shared new details for their upcoming “Episode Ignis” downloadable content for Final Fantasy XV.

The new expansion is roughly one to two hours long if you only follow the main story. After you complete the main story, a new route unlocks that follows the original story and changes to a different path when Ignis makes a certain choice.

This is mostly focused on a boss battle, to which Square notes is very difficult. The ending was developed with the mindset that users who cleared the main story would be more affected. Square also notes this is the most content rich of the various “Episode” expansions.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning after you clear the main story, you’ll be able to fight Noctis.

Here’s some gameplay from the beginning of the content, as well as a battle with Ignis and Noctis:

Episode Ignis is launching on December 13th.

Final Fantasy XV is currently available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In case you missed it, you should check out our written and video review for the game here. A PC version for the game is coming sometime early next year.



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