Wordle Guide – Tips to maximize your guesses


Wordle is an easy game, but there’s ways to make it even easier and increase your daily stats on this addictive puzzle.

Whether it’s knowing what word to lead with, how to follow-up, and how to plug-in vowels there’s plenty of ways to turn your haphazard guessing into a methodical search for the right word.


No, you’re not getting cancelled on Twitter. The word “Ratio” is widely regarded as the most effective word to scout for clues.

Ratio includes:

  • 3 different vowels (A, I, and O)
  • 2 of the most common consonants (R and T)

What if Ratio doesn’t help?

If you don’t get any kind of clue off Ratio, then you’re looking at a pretty uncommon word.

We personally follow up Ratio with the word “Pseud”. It contains:

  • The remaining 2 vowels (E and U).
  • More common consonants (P, S, and D).

You’ll at least have a vowel after using these two words, though hopefully you’ll have a few consonant hits as well.

I tried Ration and Pseud, what next?

Now you can spend your next 3 guesses on scouting more consonants and the vowel placement.

Let’s give a worst case scenario. You didn’t get any hits off of Ratio or Pseud except a yellow U and a yellow T. Your next best bet is to try words containing U, and also consonants you haven’t tested yet. Blunt would be a good next word to test. We promise, you should at least have one clue besides your vowel once you use your third guess.

With Ratio and Pseud in your toolbelt, you’ll be solving the daily Wordle in less than 6 guesses consistently, just keep at it!



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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