Will You Snail? Announces Infinite update

Will You Snail Infinite

Precision platformer Will You Snail? is getting its biggest update yet, and you could say the possibilities are infinite.

You can read the announcement below:

Infinite creativity. Infinite nonsense. Infinite pain. Infinite content.

Unleash your imagination and dive into a world of endless possibilities. Build and play custom-made levels, share your creativity, watch others suffer, and take on challenges yourself.

Due to popular demand by the Will You Snail community, we introduced a level editor to the game through which the community can create custom levels exploring the boundaries of creativity and humor.

“Will You Snail?” is a rather short, but juicy experience. It’s designed to be hard, but due to the difficulty settings and assist features, everybody can usually play through it in about 4-6 hours’ time. (If you’d like to play more after that, there are plenty of opportunities to allow for that as well.)

Dodge AI-spawned traps

Solve optional puzzles

Explore and uncover the secrets of the simulation

There is quite a bit of variety in this game. No two levels are ever the same and the game keeps surprising you with new stuff. This game is not exactly what you’d call a “laser-focused design”. It’s more the kind of game design that messes around and allows itself to have fun with silly ideas. Minigames? Basketball? Tower Defense? Stuff that doesn’t belong in platformer games.

Will You Snail? is a game where you try to outsmart an AI that predicts your every move, and the level editor added in the Infinite update will bring much more content into the game.

Will You Snail? is available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows (through Steam).



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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