Volume Getting Free “Coda” Expansion for PlayStation VR

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Mike Bithelll’s Volume is getting a free expansion next year, dubbed simply “Coda.”

The new expansion will be designed for PlayStation VR, and will add 30 new levels, a new voice cast bringing new characters to the story, and a new VR setting that lets players step into the role of The Troubleshooter.

It’s worth mentioning that “Coda” will let you play both Volume‘s core campaign, the 30 new levels, as well as user-generated levels in virtual reality.

Finally, Bithell also gave an update on the expected PS Vita version of Volume.

“We’ve hit some roadblocks, which slowed us down,” Bithell said on the PlayStation Blog. “Rushing out a weak port wasn’t an option, and I’m proud of what the team have managed to squeeze into that awesome little platform.”

Volume also received the “Checkpoints” update today, which adds leaderboards and new modes, for both PlayStation 4 and PC.



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