Voice Actor SungWon ‘ProZD’ Cho criticizes race-based casting

SungWon Cho ProZD

Voice actor SungWon Cho (better known as ProZD) recently posted about how they were only presented the opportunity to read for an Asian character in a recent audition.

Cho allegedly was auditioning for an upcoming show and was offered only one character to read for who was the only Asian character in the cast. He asked his manager about the other characters and was told “those characters are drawn as White, so no.”

Cho’s tweets on the incident have since been deleted but you can find them here.

There has been a recent push in voice acting asking for talents to only accept or even audition for roles matching with their race or cultural identity. This time Cho ran afoul of “how some Major Studios are doing things now”.

Later in the same thread, Cho elaborated that when there’s so few Asian characters it’s “not a level playing field”.


A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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