Virtua Fighter x eSports Announcement Livestream Set for May 27

Virtua Fighter x eSports Announcement Livestream

Sega has announced the Virtua Fighter x eSports announcement livestream is set for May 27, finally revealing whatever the company has been hyping up since last year.

The Virtua Fighter x eSports announcement livestream will be held over on the newly launched Virtua Fighter YouTube channel, and will kick off on May 27th at 8 PM Japan time or 7 AM EST. A teaser website was also launched – you can view that here.

The previously teased announcement is supposed to celebrate the company’s 60th anniversary. A rating for Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown was spotted a few months ago in Korea and with artwork leaked on the PlayStation Store, leading us to believe that is what this reveal is planning.

Based on the leaked name, Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown is likely to be based on Vitura Fighter 5; but with all DLC and content from later versions. The game is also likely to be re-balanced in order to make new step into the competitive fighting game scene.

In related eSports news, Sony Interactive Entertainment and RTS announced they acquired the Evolution Championship Series (EVO) fighting game tournaments, and will premiere them in August 2021.

We’ll keep you guys posted.



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