Underworld Ascendant Update Focuses On Unity 5.0 Support

The folks over at Otherside Entertainment have just released their May update for Underworld Ascendant and it should be of interest to gamers who wonder how “modern” the classic RPG will end up looking. Though the Unity engine catches a lot of flak, it seems like its new iteration, Unity 5, can produce some fairly impressive visuals. Apparently, there is a lot of power under its digital hood. Such is the subject of the game’s latest update.

    After the Kickstarter we spent a couple of weeks putting Unity 5.0 through its paces. Partly to see what was new, what was updated and what looked better. Most importantly though, to discover if Unity will do what we need it to. Underworld Ascendant will be a very systems heavy game. Our design philosophy is about building a game with real world systems under the hood to bring common sense expectations to the player. The goal is to give players new and interesting ways to interact with our world, and the engine we use to make this game needs to support all of this.

Textures seem to have improved as well, going by how excited the team is about the new technology they’ve been allowed to play with:

    Now, these new PBR or Physically Based Rendering Textures…wow. This technology is a game changer. When I used to be a level designer if I wanted to do panels on top of a wall, it was a pain. Extra geometry, decals all sorts of way around it. Now, I just put this texture down and adjust some settings for depth, reflection and some other stuff. Doesn’t look like a flat surface does it?

You can follow the progress on their official website and keep up to date through twitter as well.



Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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