United Kingdom planning a ban on “ninja swords”


UK police are preparing for a nationwide ban on ‘ninja swords’, which had previously been exempt from bills banning the sale of weapons.

Both katanas and “zombie knives” (those edgy abominations you can buy at the mall in the US) have been legal to sell in the UK under certain circumstances, but otherwise fell under the country’s broad bans on bladed weapons.

Now the country plans to close all loopholes and bring sanctions against online retailers who make these weapons available:

The strengthened laws were announced in July, along with other plans including increased consequences for “anti-social behaviour” which would allow the United Kingdom to ban citizens from town squares for repeat offenses.

The UK has become infamous for its draconian laws restricting “weapons” such as spoons and keychains, as well as enacting laws that cause a chilling effect on speech online.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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