Ubisoft withheld new Skull and Bones build from playtesters because it’s too good

Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones has been dramatically improved in recent months, and it’s so good that not even the playtesters have been allowed to see it. At least, that’s what Ubisoft seems to imply.

Skull and Bones has been delayed, and delayed, and delayed again. However Ubisoft thinks they’ve managed to make an improved product they hope players will be satisfied with.

In their quarterly financial call, Ubisoft was worried about reviews for Skull and Bones that weren’t particularly impressive and have taken their time to polish the game.

Coming from this, the developer said the new build is so good they’ve kept it under wraps, for now:

“We said in January, we’ve been very happy with the playtest that we’ve seen in early January,” CFO Frederick Duguet said. “So we have a very strong improved version to show to players that they haven’t seen yet.”

The Skull and Bones we’ve seen thus far largely takes place aboard your ship whether that’s hunting wildlife and gathering raw materials for a quick and easy payday, or setting sail through storms to intercept trade routes and pillage forts and settlements.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward, but the biggest rewards require a higher Infamy.

If you prefer your pirate adventures more silly and exciting (and most of all actually released) then check out our review of Sea of Thieves.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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