Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy Season 3 announced

Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy

A third season for the popular isekai series Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy was announced following the conclusion of the second season’s final episode.

A series receiving an additional season so soon generally bodes well for it, far too often anime series are left in limbo for years (if not decades).

The series follows Misumi Makoto, a shrewd young man from Japan who gets sent to another world. However the chief goddess of this world is a goddess of beauty and resents Makoto’s plain appearance, condemning him to the harshest region of her world.

Tsukuyomi, the moon goddess of Earth objects to the other goddess’s decision and secretly helps Makoto and provides him with blessings. All but abandoned on a different world, Makoto seeks a way to live as he wishes and get back at the goddess that spurned him.

You can check out our review of the first season of Tsukimichi Moonlit Fantasy here (we recommend it!)



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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