Trove celebrates National Take a Hike Day with in-game event

Trove National Take a Hike Day

In a move that probably nobody saw coming, the building blocks MMORPG Trove decided to celebrate National Take a Hike Day.

For those who didn’t know yet another frivolous holiday exists, today – November 17th – is National Take a Hike Day.

Players interested in joining the event can read the terms of participation here and can check how to enter down below:

Trove National Hiking Day Event

How to enter?

  1. Hike to 4 different maps in Trove, take a screenshot with your character clearly visible.
  2. Add the name of the maps in the description
  3. Submit all 4 screenshots in the Forum or Discord.
  4. Don’t forget to include your character name and server language (and platform) and you’re all set!

Prize(s) will be raffled to everyone who submitted at least 4 screenshots and are fully eligible with all conditions (see above)!

The main reward for joining the event are 5x Dev Dream boxes, which are guaranteed to give players a unique item that they do not possess yet.

Players who join the event may also have the chance of winning 30x Go(a)lden Tickets for Trove‘s other current event, Go(a)lden Days.

The Go(a)lden Days event is sponsored by the computer peripherals company Havit, and will reward three lucky Trove players with a Havit Gaming Keyboard and Mouse Set.

Interested players can find the rules for the Go(a)lden Days event in this Community Manager forum post.

Trove is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Mac operating systems and Microsoft Windows (via Steam).

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Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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