ToHeart2: Dungeon Travelers Demo is Up in Japan

ToHeart2 Dungeon Travelers 4-16-15 - 1

Developer Aquaplus recently put up the demo for ToHeart2: Dungeon Travelers on the Japanese PlayStation Store.

The game is set to launch on Vita in Japan sometime in the future, and the demo will not only give you a taste of what’s to come in the port; you’ll also be able to carry over any progress made in the demo to the retail release of the game. Just beware, as trophies are a no go in the demo.

ToHeart2: Dungeon Travelers is an updated port of a 2011 PSP game of the same name. The port will include updated, high-def graphics as well as a fair number of other tweaks to make the game more fun and accessible.

ToHeart2: Dungeon Travelers is due out in Japan on April 30th, and if you missed it, you can check out the trailer here.



I'm a pretty chill guy. Huge video game fan, but a bigger anime fan. I also love to write - obviously.

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