Todd Howard: Starfield is “the Biggest Most Epic Science Fiction Thing You Could Possibly Imagine”

When Bethesda finally confirmed their next single player RPG opus Starfield at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo, they basically confirmed its existence and that it was in active development. While further details weren’t shared, a handful of interviews with lord and savior Todd Howard naturally hype up the game’s scope and ambition.

The Bethesda veteran was interviewed by a number of outlets during E3, and in one pre-E3 interview conducted before the game’s official reveal (via Noclip) he was asked about the game. His only response to its nature was that it’s “the biggest most epic science fiction thing you could possibly imagine.”

Bethesda VP Pete Hines also sounded off in another interview (via Gamespot) with “It’s an incredibly ambitious project. That game is crazy. It’s ambitious and insane and awesome in all of best possible Bethesda Game Studios ways.”

To reiterate the current state of the game’s development, it’s set for what is probably the next generation of consoles and PC hardware, as Howard previously said that hardware and software technologies are “getting closer” to what they need to run the game.

Starfield is currently in development for unannounced next-gen platforms.

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