Throw Trucks With Your Mind Gives You Psychic Superpowers

Throw Trucks With Your Mind is quite an oddball of an experience. I was greeted by creator Lat Ware at this year’s Game Developer’s Conference as he promptly sanitized (from another player) and strapped a NeuroSky MindWave headset onto my head.

The most interesting thing about this game is the fact that your in game performance is directly tied into how your brain is actually behaving. It’s kind of hard to explain without you experiencing it for yourself, but let me just say that staring real hard does not always equal being focused.

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In the game you have a total of eight different abilities ranging from super jumps, slowfalling, and of course – telepathically picking up, throwing, and pushing objects. With the game being a multiplayer arena shooter, the chaos erupted out once we all started getting a hang of our powers.

The basic premise of the game certainly works, and I was definitely having quite a bit of fun squashing my enemies under giant blocks, or giant spiked metal balls of death. The game will have Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture The Fridge (the devs alt. take on Capture The Flag), King Of The Hill, and finally Hunt The Hunters, which lets you and friends hunt down computer controlled bots.

While the game is still in development, Lat did say they plan on eventually having up to 32 players in one match. I think my only concern for this game is the fact that you absolutely need the Neurosky Mindwave headset in order to play, otherwise your powers won’t function.

Throw Trucks With Your Mind was funded on Kickstarter in March of 2013, and it even saw being Greenlit on Steam recently.

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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