Thronefall launches via early access in August


Islanders and Superflight developer Grizzly Games has announced Thronefall is launching via early access next month.

Thronefall is launching for Windows PC via Steam Early Access on August 2nd. A playable demo is still available over on the game’s Steam page.

Despite only being announced a month ago – the game has garnered a ton of buzz with over 125,000 wishlists on Steam and reaching the top ten most-played demos during Steam Next Fest.

Here’s a rundown on the game, plus a new trailer:

A minimalist game about building and defending your little kingdom.

Saddle the horses! See your kingdom come to life, fight gripping battles to defend it and still be done in time for lunch.

From the developers of Islanders and Superflight, Thronefall is a stripped back classic strategy game without unnecessary complexity, just some healthy hack and slay. Build up your base during the day, defend it ‘til your last breath at night.

Will you be able to strike the right balance between economy and defence? Do you need more archers, thicker walls or an additional mill? Will you keep the enemies at bay with your longbow or charge your horse right into them? It’s going to be a tough night, but nothing beats seeing the sun rise above your little kingdom to live another day.



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