Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection has warning for “outdated content”

Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Metal Gear Solid Collection Metal Gear Solid Master Collection

Konami considers certain moments in the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection outdated by today’s standards.

The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection states that its games haven’t been changed, as a way to respect the original creator’s vision, but offers a warning that they might include some outdated content.

When booting up any game in the collection, the warning reads:

“This game contains expressions and themes which may be considered outdated. However, these elements have been included without alteration to preserve the historical context in which the game was made and the creator’s original vision. Player discretion is advised,”

The Metal Gear series is known for having some weird moments, courtesy of Hideo Kojima, but nothing to the point of warranting such a warning.

Even though it feels iffy, it’s still better than outright removing the content or changing it, as it seems that only certain gameplay mechanics have been touched up for a modern audience.

Konami’s director of Brand Marketing, Ben Kinney, has stated the following about the collection:

“We put the white gloves on and just whatever needed to be touched up or trimmed just to modernize them. We did that and then the rest we just left as it was, because that was the intent.”

The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection is running touched-up versions of BluePoint’s remasters of the series, which were received very positively.

Sources: IGN, Gamesradar

The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol.1 is scheduled to release October 23, 2023, for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and Microsoft Windows (through Steam).



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