Tetsuya Mizuguchi Announces New Lumines Games, Coming to Mobile in 2016

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Enhance Games, the new California-based developer headed by Lumines and Rez creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi, have announced two new Lumines games for mobile platforms.

The first game (featured above) is tentatively titled Lumines 2016, and is seemingly a more traditional approach to the music/puzzle game. It’s naturally adapted to mobile device controls/touch displays.

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The second game is dubbed simply Lumines VS, and seems to be a more competitive approach to the series, while also being completely free-to-play (we’re assuming there’s in-game microtransactions).

Both games will be launching worldwide, with Lumines 2016 coming this summer and Lumines VS launching sometime this winter.

Further details weren’t confirmed.

It’s also worth mentioning Tetsuya Mizuguchi is working on Rez Infinite, for PlayStation VR.

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