Team Fortress 2 community announces the One in the Chamber tournament

Team Fortress 2 One in the Chamber

Team Fortress 2‘s new community-ran tournament revolves around some very risky play.

You can read the announcement below:

Gentlemen, this is a mission of utmost importance. Succeed, and you will be rewarded handsomely – you will still be alive by the end.

The details to Fortress Faceoffs’ newest covert operation have just been declassified! Teams of five avant-garde assassins will be brought to a new, top-of-the-line training course to perfect their fundamental skills of deadeye accuracy. To raise the stakes, all agents will only have one bullet in their revolvers at all times, and can only earn a new one through eliminating the enemy and confiscating their contraband! And yes, the documents really do contain this much alliteration in them.

Dare you miss your target, and you will be left with only your knife and your bravery. If you succeed in slashing your opponents to submission, you will also earn your bullet back. If you manage to backstab or headshot them, your next shot will be greatly improved with the power to pierce through multiple players! You can reserve these piercing charges for as long as you’d like, but don’t get too cocky… or else you may not live long enough to use it!

The entire tournament revolves around spies who only have one bullet to use on their enemies, encouraging precision and risky play.

The One in the Chamber tournament will begin on August 11, 2023, and will last roughly 2 weeks.

If you are interested, keep an eye on the Fortress Faceoffs Twitch channel.

Team Fortress 2 is available on Microsoft Windows (through Steam).



Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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