Strategy game Songs of Silence announces Steam Next Fest demo

Songs of Silence

Seize the opportunity to play the story-rich turn-based strategy game Songs of Silence early.

Songs of Silence has no release date yet, and will be available on Microsoft Windows (through Steam). The game’s demo will be available October 9 to 16 as part of the Steam Next Fest, and will feature both a single-player campaign and skirmish mode.

You can view the announcement below:

Chimera Entertainment is pleased to announce that its story-driven, turn-based strategy title Songs of Silence will be featured in the upcoming Steam Next Fest (October 9th-16th) with a publicly available demo featuring both single-player campaign and skirmish mode play.

Songs of Silence is a story-rich, turn-based strategy game. It offers fast-paced campaigns, intense real-time battles and stunning Art Nouveau visuals. Manage your kingdom, explore and lead iconic factions in their war against the world-corrupting Silence. The game features a unique mix of turn-based kingdom management, exploration and hero development, contrasted with short and intense real-time battles.

The atmospheric soundtrack is composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, the artist behind classics such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 12 and Valkyria Chronicles.

Demo Content
The demo will offer players the opportunity to play through the first map of the single-player campaign as Queen Lorelai of Ehrengard, as well as engaging in additional PvE battles against two rival factions on set skirmish maps.

Story Campaign Map #1
Queen Lorelai of Ehrengard, one of the Starborn, is striving to lead her people to a new home. But as she arrives in the neighbouring kingdom of Elbin, she realizes its lands are at war. The hierophant Hauser, a friend of her father, requests her help in the liberation of Elbin. How will you balance protecting Ehrengard’s citizens and fending off Elbin’s assailants? Meanwhile, a greater menace looms on the horizon…

Skirmish Map
Test your strategy skills as the Thousand Kingdoms faction and take on two rival empires in a struggle for control of the map’s capitals.

Each faction and hero have their own distinct play styles, both on the map and in battle. Manage your locations, armies and assaults accordingly.

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Fan of skeletons, plays too many video games, MMO addict, soul-like and character action enthusiast.

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