SPJ Announces Kunkel Awards for Video Game Journalism

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The Society of Professional Journalists have recently announced the Kunkel Awards to award excellence in video game journalism.

The award is named after Bill Kunkel (pictured above), who was responsible for publishing the first video game column in 1978 and co-founded the first video game magazine, Electronic Games Magazine back in 1981.

The awards will be split into five categories, which include:

  • Excellence In News Reporting
  • Excellence in Feature Video/Streaming
  • Excellence in Feature Writing
  • Excellence in Photography/ Illustration/ Infographic
  • Excellence in News Video/Streaming

Nominations are open for submission by anyone and will remain so until February 14th, 2016, and will be reviewed by professional journalists outside of the gaming press.

For more information on the criteria for submissions, you can read them on their site.



Writer at Niche Gamer. Passionate for video game journalism, and more than glad to be a part of it. I also write DOTA 2 stuff.

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