Sir Galgano – A Medieval Tale puts a Golden Axe twist on an iconic Catholic saint

Sir Galgano - A Medieval Tale

Indie Italian studio La Fucina del Granducato (The Forge of the Grand Duchy) is working on a promising throwback side-scrolling brawler, based on an iconic Catholic saint, and it’s titled Sir Galgano – A Medieval Tale.

Sir Galgano – A Medieval Tale is described as a “side-scrolling medieval beat ’em up with RPG elements” by the two-person indie studio, where players can live out the life of Galgano before he renounced his vagabond ways. You’ll fight off many dangers with various weapons, complete quests, and get experience points to improve Sir Galgano’s (he was a knight before he was a saint) abilities, and buy new equipment too.

While Sir Galgano – A Medieval Tale is planned for a release on Windows PC (via Steam), La Fucina del Granducato are planning a Kickstarter for the game to help complete its development.

As the name implies, the game is centered on Galgano Guidotti, a medieval sellsword that lived a ruthless life and became a knight and even later a vagabond – until he was visited by the Archangel Michael and was shown the way to salvation. He was led to the hill of Montesiepi where he met the twelve Apostles of Christ, and the Creator himself.

His horse then refused to obey him, which Galgano took as a sign his vision was real, so he renounced his former villainous life, plunged his sword into the rocky ground (it still stands today), and lived on that hill as a humble hermit, giving up his worldly possessions. Galgano lived in poverty like that until he died. He was later canonized in the 13th century. The legend behind “Galgano’s sword in the stone” is commonly thought of as the progenitor for the 15th century English legend of King Arthur, as it has many parallels.

Here’s a some snippets of gameplay showing off the game, which is currently in an alpha state:

Here’s a rundown on the game:

Sir Galgano is a side-scrolling medieval beat ‘em up game with RPG elements. The game places the player in control of the hero bent on revenge against the enemy. Struggle against ferocious enemies all hell-bent on controlling this world! The game drew comparisons to the character The King of Dragons, Rastan Saga, Knights of the Round and Golden Axe.


  • The game focuses on the hero, Sir Galgano Guidotti, well-know as Saint Galgano. Player battle the game’s many dangers with weapons and complete quests to acquire experience points, which is used to increase Sir Galgano‘s abilities and purchase equipment.
  • Progress is made through the game by hacking and slashing your way through enemy’s forces in dynamic environments.
  • Sir Galgano runs, rolls and dodges! He has a variety of weapons, a longsword, a shield and a two-handed sword: there are three modes of attack and many fencing techniques.
  • Player earn experience points by completing missions. When a player earns enough experience, Sir Galgano’s level increases and the player receives ability points. These points may be used on skill trees and general upgrades have a variety of functions, from raising Sir Galgano’s vitality to improving fencing techniques.


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