Shigeru Miyamoto: A New F-Zero will Require a New Controller Interface

f-zero gx 01-08-15-1

Despite many F-Zero enthusiasts and fans being seemingly left in the dust following F-Zero GX on the Nintendo Gamecube, it seems like there might still be some hope for the ultra-fast racer in the future.

In a special episode with Youtubers Smosh Games, legendary creator Nintendo Shigeru Miyamoto talked up the series’ future, and it doesn’t sound that bleak:

“I actually made F-Zero first, and then after we made F-Zero we made Mario Kart. But we see a lot of other designers who are kind of making more traditional racing style of games. So, we’ve tried to focus on something that feels a little bit more gamey. So, maybe if we create a new type of controller interface, and we find a controller interface that’s particularly suited for F-Zero, then maybe we’ll do something with it in the future.”

One of the more interesting tidbits mentioned by Miyamoto-san was the fact that both himself and fellow veteran Nintendo creator Takaya Imamura are working on the new Star Fox game together:

“Actually, the lead designer on F-Zero who I worked with on the original is Mr. [Takaya] Imamura, and I worked together with him also on the original Star Fox games. So right now, the two of us are busy working on the next Star Fox game.”

Could this mean we’ll see rumblings for a new F-Zero game after Star Fox for Wii U ships later this year? Only time will tell. I’m a huge fan of the F-Zero series, and I thoroughly adored F-Zero GX on the Nintendo Gamecube.

We’ll keep you guys posted.

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