Sega renews trademarks for Skies of Arcadia

Skies of Arcadia

Sega has renewed trademarks for their classic Skies of Arcadia role-playing game, suggesting some kind of re-release or remaster is imminent.

Originally released for the tragically short-lives Sega Dreamcast back in 2000, the game was later ported to the Nintendo GameCube in 2002/2003 in Japan and the west, respectively. Since then, Skies of Arcadia has never been re-released since.

The new trademarks come both in the game’s English Skies of Arcadia title and its Japanese title Eternal Arcadia (エターナルアルカディア , Etānaru Arukadia), seen here and here in newly published records of the marks.

Just like our April Fool’s joke that eventually led to the actual announcement for the Suikoden 1 and 2 remasters, hopefully our recent joke about a Skies of Arcadia remaster comes true, too.



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