Sega Readying “Revival of Major IPs”

Sega is readying a “revival of major IPs,” news coming from their “Road to 2020” business report presentation.

The company outlined some key factors in their retail and digital game markets, where they mention reviving major IPs. Sega points to key issues they have to address, with a major one being to “create titles that will become global hits.”

To achieve this Sega plans on reviving older IPs, utilizing current IPs, expanding into new IPs, and even looking into third-party IPs. The goal is to naturally increase value and profits under said IPs by growing the number of platforms and regions these games will be available for, worldwide.

Here’s a breakdown of the key factors mentioned:

Packaged game field

  • Expand existing IPs and obtain new IPs for North American and European PC games
  • Build revenue base by being entrusted with outsourced development
  • Challenge for new IPs
  • Revival of major IPs
  • Effective utilization of development engines

Digital game field

  • Create titles that will become global hits
  • Establish digital marketing business
  • Expand overseas publishing business
  • Maintain profits through long-term operation of existing titles
  • Develop next-generation titles

What kind of older IPs would you like to see revived by Sega? Sound off in the comments below!


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