School of Ragnarok Tutorial Explains the Arcade Battle/Fighting Game

Square Enix are continuing to release new videos for School of Ragnarok, their upcoming arcade fighting/battle game in which players control an average student supported by a supernatural, god-like being.

One of the new videos, featured above, explain the gameplay systems and control scheme. Here’s the summary of the above tutorial:

1. You can use the evasive step or jump action to cancel openings after attacks. You can also cancel the openings by entering certain attack, making a combo.

2. It’s important to know when you should be locking on to the opponent and when you shouldn’t. You basically stay locked on to your opponent during battle, but you should disengage when you want to get close or away from the enemy. For example, when your opponent is in 神がかり mode, they can catch you very easily, so you should disengage and take evasive maneuvers.

3. By using evasive steps, you can move short distances instantly. Also, during these evasive steps, you are invincible for a short time.

4. You will need to think about which statue to conquer during battles. Each statue will enable you to use different skills, so you will have to choose the best statue depending on your current situation.

5. Conquering two or more statues at the same time activates スキル・エール. So you should have your guardian spirit conquer a statue while you conquer another.

6. 神がかり mode boosts your status but weakens your god. When you are using this mode, you can use deadly skills, but because your guardian is weakened, it won’t be able to conquer statues.

7. Basic combos for each type of weapon:





(➡︎means to tilt the lever toward the direction of your enemy)

The location testing, which finished last Sunday, only involved the four characters thus far revealed (Valhalades/Balharades, Ivol de Dacart, Smile Girl, and Lucy), although the character selection/creation screen would indicate that there are more to come. We’ll update you when more of the supporting characters are unveiled.

To see more of the gods and students fighting it out, check out our archives.

There’s still no release date announced for School of Ragnarok. It will be in Japanese arcades some time this year.



With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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