Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC adds “toilet anyone can use”

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet toilet

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet‘s recently launched DLC was found to have a “toilet anyone can use”, raising eyebrows on its localization.

It’s worth noting the above text is seemingly only in the western / English version, while in the Japanese version it is simply called an accessibility toilet.

Twitter users provided screenshots of the English version of the DLC (Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask) alongside the Japanese, unveiling the difference:

“多目的トイレ” can mean “accessibility toilet” or “multipurpose toilet” in Japanese, which doesn’t mean “anyone” can use it. In Japan, this type of toilet is usually for handicapped users that need more accessibility.

Critics know that Nintendo of America clearly intended to present it as a “genderless toilet”, and many are naturally unsurprised by this “inclusive” translation. Some users believe was done (once again) for ideological reasons instead of accuracy.

Considering this title has some of the most grotesque-looking character designs in the Pokemon franchise and the fact there is no “gender select”, only “styles”, critics are more than convinced this is the reason why this change was made.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: The Teal Mask is available now on the Nintendo Switch. Check out our review for the base game!

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