PlatinumGames still want to make Scalebound, pleads with Xbox to “do it”

PlatinumGames still want to make Scalebound

It’s been five years since the cancellation of the game but PlatinumGames still want to make Scalebound, and they’re now openly pleading with Xbox to make it happen finally.

The news that PlatinumGames still want to make Scalebound comes via a new interview (via IGN Japan) with newly-appointed company CEO Atsushi Inaba and Scalebound creator/director Hideki Kamiya.

Inaba explained that both he and Kamiya had been “talking about wanting to work on Scalebound again for a while.” Kamiya then added “I’d like to appeal to Phil Spencer directly! Let’s do it, Phil!”

While Kamiya had previously said he regretted how things ended up with the game and it being cancelled, he has since talked up wanting to finally release it. Inaba was quick to point out that today’s comments aren’t just well wishing, and that they want to formally re-open talks with IP-holder Microsoft on releasing the game.

“Often in an interview you might hear a developer politely saying, ‘Yes, if we had the opportunity we’d love to work on that again’, but we don’t mean it that way. Both Kamiya and I are serious – we really would love to work on Scalebound again. I’d like to discuss it with Microsoft properly,” he said.

Kamiya also pointed out that “Development had progressed a fair way, and it seems pointless for Microsoft to just hold on to that and not do anything with it.”

Later in the interview Kamiya then got much more direct and actually spoke English, making a direct plea to Xbox boss Phil Spencer.

“Phil! Phil! Let’s do it together!,” he proclaimed.

Prior to its cancellation, Scalebound was in development for Windows PC and Xbox One. If Microsoft greenlights development on the game again, it’s expected the game would likely be developed for Xbox Series X|S as well. There was a previous rumor that Nintendo had revived the game and seemingly obtained the IP from Microsoft, but nothing has come since.

We’ll keep you guys posted.

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