Pixiv no longer allowing links to Fanbox on profile pages


Pixiv is no longer allowing artists to link to their Fanbox on their profile page, which Pixiv claims is to help prevent the sale of “prohibited content”.

Pixiv is one of Japan’s most popular art-focused websites, where countless artists share artwork and animations of both the safe and adult sort.

Pixiv released a statement in both Japanese and English stating that artists can no longer link to their Fanbox account on their profile page:

Fanbox is a Japanese crowd funding site that allows artists to be paid directly by fans for creating art/animations.

The statement asserts that this decision was made to help combat the sale of “prohibited content”, and this is referring to certain individuals who were allegedly selling abuse material amongst AI art:


Many will criticize this change as it punishes honest artists along with the actual criminals spreading abuse material.

It is said that artists can still manually link to their Fanbox accounts, however.



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