“Nijikon” and “Yuri” Wikipedia entries vandalized with gender ideology


Yet more Wikipedia entries have been vandalized as the ones for “nijikon” and “yuri” have been altered to contain sections concerning gender ideology.

The matter was brought to attention on social media, where an individual noted that gender ideology was inserted into the Wikipedia page for “nijikon”:

Nijikon is a Japanese term that refers to an individual who has an attraction to fictional 2D characters.

They also provided comparisons to how the Wiki page looked before the editing:

Here’s further elaborations from the Twitter user:

The user also discovered that the Wikipedia entry for “yuri” (a Japanese term/genre for girl-on-girl love, but apparently it is more complicated than that, as seen below) was also tampered with:

Such vandalism of articles on Wikipedia has apparently been a common issue for a while.

Editor’s Note: Featured image is Idolmaster fanart by OokamiMaito



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