With the recent announcement of Pretentious Media being the umbrella company with Niche Gamer underneath it, we are looking to grow and expand into more avenues online. While some people thought that we were selling out, because of this, I want to ensure you this is not the case. While currently video games are our main focus we are looking to expand into anime and Japanese culture soon. We also have interest to expand into other areas as well in the future such as tabletop gaming.
We are looking for two to three enthusiasts who want to work with us on articles, editorials and reviews on Niche Gamer – as well as our upcoming sites to join us soon. Our doors are open to anyone around the world and we welcome anyone of any talent, political beliefs, religion or gender to join us. We are a group of friends who enjoy what we do as a hobby and like to have a good time doing it and want to make sure you are a good fit with us.
If you are interested in joining us we require you to have a laptop or computer and would like to see at least two of the following:
- A review of any game from the past or present in the format we have as our standard reviews on the site. It is highly recommended that a review should be one of your selected submitted types. An example can be viewed at: https://nichegamer.com/reviews/monster-hunter-world-review/
- Short, day to day news updates, It can be about anything both in the past or present. An example can be viewed here: https://nichegamer.com/2018/02/13/miyamoto-wants-every-single-person-buy-nintendo-switch/
- An editorial of your personal views of something in the gaming industry. An example can be found here: https://nichegamer.com/2017/07/05/please-stop-comparing-everything-dark-souls/
We ask that you do NOT include images within your articles and submit them to us as attachments in a email in word format. We do not need a resume but do tell us a bit about yourself in the body of your email.
Please include a way for us to contact you using either, PSN, discord, email or skype. All submissions are run on a first come first served basis. If you are selected as a potential person to join us, you will have a short, informal interview with us to get to know us and ask questions. We will also cover perks and other topics within the interview as well as expectations.
Please submit all documents by March 2 2018 to: submissions@nichegamer.com
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through DM on twitter: @buttermancer or discord Buttermancer#0089