New Torment Q&A With Writer Colin McComb

With its late Q4 2015 release seeming eons away, Planescape Torment spiritual successor Torment: Tides of Numenera is nearly ready to grant CRPG fans the heavy choice-and-consequence gameplay they donated over 4 million to get. Until that time arrives, however, writer Colin McComb sat down for a short interview on tumblr.

The interview naturally focuses on the narrative aspect of Numenera rather than the more technical details that past sessions have.

      You’ve stated before that you’ve chosen the Numenera license mostly because of its setting, but as far as I know Torment’s story takes place in uncharted territories. I mean, parts of the Ninth World not covered in the Corebook. Why? And is there any chance we are going see parts of the Steadfast/Beyond in TON?

You won’t see any places from the Corebook, but some will be referenced. We didn’t want to risk conflicting with anything Monte Cook Games had planned in the Steadfast; as a younger setting, it still needs to establish some meta-campaign narrative. The Corebook was still being worked on when we began planning Torment, so we all thought it would be better if we built out beyond the Beyond and we could integrate the two areas later.

      Our readers are always eager to learn new details about Torment Companions. Can you tell us something we don’t already know about one or two of them?

Our cold, calculating jack’s name is Matkina. Her original conception was the stainless steel jack, a nod to Harry Harrison’s “Stainless Steel Rat”, and her character arc originated there. It’s changed significantly since then, but the deadly confidence, careful thought, and occasional impulsiveness colored her initial narrative portrait.

Those who want to follow the game or learn more about it can do so at Numenera’s official site.

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Carl is both a JRPG fan and a CRPG'er who especially loves European PC games. Even with more than three decades of gaming under his belt, he feels the best of the hobby is yet to come.

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