New Bravely Second: End Layer Details and Screenshots

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Square Enix have revealed new info and screenshots for Bravely Second: End Layer, their upcoming sequel to Bravely Default. The RPG is due for release on the Nintendo 3DS in Japan on April 23 this year. Have a look at all the new stuff (via Games Talk) below.

Of moon bases and demon kings

Bravely Second will have a Wi-Fi minigame in which Demon Kings invade Magnolia’s hometown, the Moon Base. If defeated, these monsters may drop rare items, which items can also be sent to others players through the Nintendo 3DS’ StreetPass functionality.

Featured below are a selection of the demons, including (in order), the Fifth Demon King, Sea Urchin; the First Demon King, Swan; the Fourth Demon King, Goldfish; and the Sixth Demon King, White Mountain.

On the Moon Base are weapons called “Busterships” (also discussed here), which can lower the demon kings’ levels, which will make them easier to defeat. The busterships can also be improved so they weaken the demon kings even more.

Special moves

Characters will be able to perform special moves that are tied to their weapons. These special moves don’t use MP, but instead require certain criteria to be met. Players won’t be able to use these special moves as often as normal abilities, but these special abilities are more powerful.

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New asterisk holders

  • Ein Feria Venus, the Valkyrie asterisk holder. The Valkyrie is skilled with the spear, and makes use of powerful jump and range attacks.
  • Artemia Venus, the Hunter asterisk holder. The Hunter specializes in the bow, and has killer abilities that do large amounts of damage.
  • Mefiria Venus, the Summoner asterisk holder. The Summoner summons powerful creatures from another world.
  • Ominous Crowe, the Black Mage asterisk holder. The Black Mage is good at offensive magic, and is especially effective when focusing on an enemy’s weaknesses.

As you can probably tell, the three women are all sisters based on classical myths. The characters are pictured below (in order).


And lastly, Square Enix have provided images (again, in order) of what Magnolia will look like in each of the newly unveiled jobs. Which of the job costumes is the cutest?



With over ten years' experience as an editor, Dimi is Niche Gamer's Managing Editor. He has indefinitely put a legal career on hold in favor of a life of video games: priorities.

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