Netflix is Considering a Diablo Animated Series

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While Netflix is launching the second season for their animated Castlevania series next month, the company is looking into green-lighting another animated series based on yet another popular gaming franchise – Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo franchise.

Hellboy reboot and Eureka writer Andrew Cosby has confirmed he’s in the final talks to write and show-run the new animated series. “I can confirm I am indeed in final talks to write and show-run the new Diablo animated series for Activision and Netflix. It’s very exciting and I hope to the High Heavens it all works out,” he said.

Rumors pointing to an animated franchise based on the dark action-RPG set in a world rife with demons, angels, and heroes fighting for better gear have been swirling for awhile. Just like the Netflix Castlevania animated series, Cosby noted the Diablo animated series will “DEFINITELY be rated R.”

What would you like to see in an animated Diablo series? Sound off in the comments below!

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Owner and Publisher at Niche Gamer and Nicchiban. Outlaw fighting for a better game industry.

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