Microsoft and Xbox earnings break records in Q1 sales, hardware sales up 13%

Microsoft Gaming Division Q1 Record Thumbnail

While Microsoft might be having some challenges leading to “hundreds” of staff layoffs, their gaming/Xbox division has done very well for itself as the company.

The company released their Q1 earnings for the fiscal year 2023, showing the Xbox division earned more in that period than any other time in its history.

Game industry analyst @DomsPlaying helped break down the numbers of their earnings call, noting that approximately $3.63B sales from Xbox this quarter was a new record for Q1 for Microsoft. They also show that hardware sales managed to up by 13%, which was much higher than originally forecasted.

It is important to note that not everything was growth for the company. They reported a decline of 3% for Xbox content and services, despite the growth in Xbox Game Pass membership. Hardware sales improving for the company is also positive, considering they are known to be trailing the competition when it comes to consoles sales.

As a whole, things looked great for the company in Q1. Going beyond the gaming division, they managed just over $50 billion in revenue, which is up 11%. Operating income also increased 6% with $21.5 billion.

For those more interested in the numbers, it is highly recommended to check out their earnings call linked above. As a publicly traded company, Microsoft is required to make this information public for the purposes of providing investors important information for them to make good investment choices.


Got into gaming thanks to a nice old lady who lived across the street. Enjoy most genres of games.

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