Megami no Cafe Terrace animated lewd filter even hotter than the original

Megami no Cafe Terrace, an anime that recently aired, has obtained an animated “lewd” filter that makes the frequent nude scenes even more sexually intense.

Megami no Cafe Terrace is about a boy who inherits a cafe and tries to revive it despite his lack of experience, and is aided by the cafe’s five pretty waitresses.

The series is occasionally quite raunchy, as it includes some bath scenes and “accidents” involving the male protagonist and some of the girls.

A talented artist/animator took this to the next level by nudifying some of the anime’s scenes, removing the female characters’ clothing, but not depicting any actual nudity.

You can watch the comical “lewd filter” over on Nico Nico Douga.

Megami no Cafe Terrace just finished its first anime run this spring on various streaming platforms.


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