Manga publisher is remaking classic series Eiken with AI


Manga publishing platform Manga Okoku (Manga Kingdom) is recreating the 2001 series Eiken using AI.

The AI remake is being made with the blessing of series creator Seiji Matsuyama. You can read an interview with Matsuyama and other staff involved in the project here. We’ve included some Matsuyama’s response to the work below.

–What impressions did you have when you saw the completed manga?

Matsuyama: I was honestly happy. Actually, I wanted to see my own character generated by AI, so I kept asking if someone could come up with an X. So when I was approached, I looked at the contract and immediately gave the OK.

Translation: Google

Manga publishers and creators have been increasingly experimenting with AI. While translation is one thing, using generative AI to redo classic titles in an official capacity is new ground; one that leaves readers concerned about where companies will be taking the technology in the future.



A basement-dwelling ogre, Brandon's a fan of indie games and slice of life anime. Has too many games and not enough time.

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