Malicious Fallen Western Release Set for February 21

Alvion has announced the western release date for Malicious Fallen.

The final chapter in their boss-centric, 3D action series will launch for PlayStation 4 on February 21st in North America and Europe, via the PlayStation Store.

Alvion targeted 1080p and 60 frames per second with PlayStation 4 Pro support to boot in the upcoming threequel. A big focus was put into three-dimensional movement, and traversing the environments vertically. The game encourages you to jump and fly entirely freely throughout the various stages.

Like its predecessors, you can progress through the stages in any order you see fit. Each stage is a mashup of both a boss battle and smaller waves of enemies. Malicious Fallen has new mechanics, stage, chapters, alongside all the stages newly remastered from the previous two games.

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