Level-5 CEO is Teasing an MMO-Sized Game for Company’s 20th Anniversary

Level-5 is teasing a big game for their 20th anniversary.

The news comes via an interview between Bandai Namco producer Katsuhiro Harada and Level-5 president and CEO Akihiro Hino, for 4Gamer.net, for Harada’s ongoing “Harada Kills” interview series.

In the interview, Harada polled Hino on whether or not he still wants to make an MMORPG, following the cancelled Xbox project Level-5 had worked on known as True Fantasy Live Online (pictured). Hino said that he still feels bad about its cancellation, and yet he would still consider making another one.

Harada asked Hino what kind of theme they’d build their game around, provided they had the budget. He suggested that it would probably be a medieval kingdom – based on their previous titles. Hino said that it won’t be fantasy, rather it will be set in the modern era.

The Level-5 boss went on to say that he’s not sure if you can consider it an MMORPG, but it will have the same scale of an MMO. Furthermore, he said that since its a title made to celebrate their 20th anniversary, they’re going to make something they really want.

Lastly, Hino said that even though they’re planning on making the announcement this year (the year of their 20th anniversary), they won’t be releasing it this year.


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