Launch Bonuses, First English Trailer for Atelier Shallie Plus

Koei Tecmo has confirmed the launch window bonus content for Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea.

If you buy the game within the first month of sale (the standard versions or the limited edition), you’ll get five styles of downloadable costumes for free, including: the Administrator Suit, Hero Girl Costume, Cosmo Fighter Costume, Sophie Style Costume and Plachta Style Costume. You’ll also get a special sampling of background music for free, which features tracks from the entire Atelier franchise.

The publisher also revealed the first English trailer for the game, which you can view above.

Atelier Shallie Plus: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea will launch on January 17th in North America and on January 20th in Europe.

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