Japanese feminists slam cute bus mascot

Mie Kotsu

Japanese feminists have taken offense to a new set of mascots for the public transportation (bus, taxicab) company Mie Kotsu.

The new mascots were designed to celebrate the company’s 80th anniversary and celebrate the drivers who keep things running smoothly. To celebrate both the men and women who work for the company, Mie Kotsu made the inclusive decision to create a male and female mascot.

However this wasn’t enough as Japanese feminists considered the cute anime girl to be objectifying and sexualized, despite the male character being created in a similar style.

This isn’t the first time Japanese feminists have tried to tear down something seemingly wholesome. Over the past few years, the achievements of Japanese feminists include:

One Japanese feminist accused the ad campaign of being “malicious” and obscene:

Mie Kotsu Feminist

However the Streisand Effect is on full display and supportive comments have begun to outnumber the complaints.

Mie Kotsu


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