Immortals of Aveum releases new video focused on worldbuilding

Immortals of Aveum

Publisher Electronic Arts and developer Ascendant Studios shared a new Immortals of Aveum video where the team discusses the game’s world.

Immortals of Aveum is a brand-new IP, and so its writers and director are trying to make it as unique as possible.

You can read the announcement below:

Bret Robbins, game director and CEO of Ascendant Studios, tells how he and lead writer, Michael Kirkbride, envisioned the world and narrative of Immortals of Aveum. He shares insights into character development, the history of the Everwar, why they chose to ground the fantasy world of Aveum in modern dialogue, and the importance of balancing a serious tone with humor in storytelling.

Join us to learn more about Immortals of Aveum, its intriguing cast of characters, and how Bret Robbins and Ascendant Studios crafted a brand new, unique fantasy world.

You can also watch the video below:

Immortals of Aveum is shaping up to be a really unique first-person shooter, with its mechanics focused on magic.

Immortals of Aveum is set to launch on August 22nd. When the game releases it’ll be on Windows PC (Steam, the Epic Games Store, and the EA App), Xbox Series X|S, and PlayStation 5.

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