Total-conversion DLC Holdfast: Frontlines WW1 is now available

Holdfast: Frontlines WW1 is now available

Publisher and developer Anvil Game Studios announced Holdfast: Frontlines WW1 is now available, a total conversion DLC release for Holdfast: Nations At War.

While Holdfast: Frontlines WW1 is now available for Windows PC (via Steam) as a free update, the new conversion DLC was released entirely free of charge.

To be clear, the base game Holdfast: Nations At War is focused on the Napoleonic Wars and the events that lead up to the first World War, this new conversion DLC focuses entirely on World War 1.

Here’s a new trailer:

Here’s a rundown on the total-conversion DLC:

Holdfast: Frontlines is an online multiplayer first and third person shooter set during WW1. Engage in large scale and destructive battles of The Great War with over 150 players per server, featuring rifles, machine-guns, artillery, grenades and other iconic weaponry and mechanics from the time.

Alongside providing a completely new experience with the mentioned free total-conversion DLC, the entire game received a graphical overhaul and multiple new roleplay features implemented to continue promoting engaging player to player interactions.


  • Experience The Great War – Courageously charge over the top and experience The Great War like never before with 150+ players in Holdfast: Frontlines. Storm trenches with grenades, counter enemy attacks with devastating machine gun fire, rain terror with artillery shells and organise with your squad to capture integral positions.
  • Battlefield Roles – Featuring squad gameplay, the new Offensive gamemode brings a new way to dominate the Holdfast battlefields. Fight in large-scale skirmishes and battles in an attempt to totally dominate the enemy by capturing strategic positions linearly, closely simulating the tug of war warfare from the time.
  • Halt Oncoming Charges – It was the weapon that changed warfare forever. Make use of the MG-08 and Vickers machine guns to halt oncoming enemy assaults in their tracks. Suppress the enemy with relentless firepower and turn the tide of battle within seconds, these deadly weapons are not to be taken lightly and are no easy task to overcome when in the hands of a skilled soldier.
  • Shell Enemy Encampments – Break the stalemate of the trenches by shelling enemy positions and provide smoke screens for allied assaults. Artillery are key components in the war machine and will literally shape the battlefield under their intense bombardment. Featuring moveable Heavy Howitzers, Light Howitzers and Heavy Mortars there will be little escape from the nightmare they bring.
  • Entrench Your Positions – Construct a frontline or prepare a defensive position and take cover for dear life with the Frontlines entrenchment mechanics. Engineers are able to dig trenches to their exact requirements with specialised pieces such as Sandbags, Periscopes, Shooting Platforms and Roofs.
  • Welcoming Community – Holdfast is more than just a game, its community provides an extra experience with it through the many role-play features and VoIP. Holdfast’s community brings role-players, regiment (clan) members, casual gamers and those who are here just for the untimely funny moments together. It ultimately results in the unique experience Holdfast and its community offers.


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