Here’s the First Look at Samurai Warriors 4: Empires

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We’ve gotten the first look at the newly revealed Samurai Warriors 4: Empires, via a new Famitsu online preview.

As per the mainline Dynasty Warriors series, the Empires releases are somewhat of a spinoff that combine both traditional musou action and nation conquering. Just like the regular Warriors games, the core story is not set in stone, you depending on how you make decisions in battle, the course of history will change.

Fans can expect battles in Samurai Warriors 4: Empires to be akin to previous musou games, in which you’ll be assaulting the enemy’s frontline, and eventually capturing their headquarters.

Each key point of interest is crucial as they all compliment an overall supply line – the more you overtake, the more fighters and supplies you’ll have at your disposal as you push forward. The ability to assign specific soldiers to a particular objective is returning in 4: Empires, so you’ll be able to somewhat micro-manage your troops.

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Samurai Warriors 4: Empires is launching across PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita on September 3rd in Japan.

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