Goddess of Victory: Nikke life-sized Modernia figure is quite impressive

Goddess of Victory: Nikke

Bouncy gun girl game Goddess of Victory: Nikke celebrated its first anniversary at RED° TOKYO TOWER, where visitors could see a giant life-sized figure of Modernia.

The first year anniversary event is being held at RED° TOKYO TOWER in Tokyo’s Minato ward, and while there were plenty of items and attractions to see at the venue, there was also a life-sized figure of female character Modernia.

Our friends over at 4gamer managed to snap a bunch of photos of the overwhelming figure, who stands in life size stature with meticulous detailing.

This isn’t the first fictional girl to get her own life-sized figure, as there have been figures for Ryza, Ayase, Kuroneko, and many others.

The anniversary event will continue until November 17th.

Goddess of Victory: Nikke has been available for PC (via their website), iOS (via the App Store) and Android (via Google Play).


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