God of War live-action series showrunner admits he’s not a gamer

God of War live-action

Along with the upcoming live-action Minecraft movie, one of the most talked about video-game adaptations is the new live-action God of War series.

Produced and distributed by Amazon, the series will be directed by Ron Moore – best known for his work on Star Trek and the reboot of Battlestar Galactica

While fans of God of War are looking forward (or dreading, in some cases) to see what Amazon does with the IP, recent comments by Ron Moore have caught many by surprise.

Speaking to actress Katee Sackhoff on her podcast, Moore came out and admitted he doesn’t play God of War – nor any other modern games for that matter.

“I’ve tried—I mean, I’m not a gamer,” Moore told Sackhoff when she asked if he had played God of War, “I took a stab at it, but I grew up in the arcade era where you go down and you put your quarters in and bang on the buttons. I can do that, I’ll play Defender, or Asteroids, sure, bring it on, baby … but the controllers now—press R1, which one’s R1? Oh I’m dead.”

These comments are almost certainly bound to cause nervousness among God of War fans hoping for a faithful adaptation of the video games, though we don’t know much about the new series.

Netflix’s recent Resident Evil show failed in large part because it was almost completely disconnected to the storyline of the Resident Evil games. To many, it felt like if the showmakers just wanted to make a zombie apocalypse story and were forced to call it Resident Evil for the name recognition.

Hopefully, Ron Moore’s lack of gamer credentials will be balanced with a healthy respect for the game’s lore. Five Nights at Freddy’s is a good example of a film whose director (Emma Tammi) had respect for the source material despite not really being known as a gamer. Hopefully, Ron Moore will follow her path. If not, Amazon’s God of War may be received just as poorly as Resident Evil was.



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