Final Fantasy VI train suplex is ruined in the pixel remaster re-release (UPDATE)

Final Fantasy VI train suplex is ruined in the pixel remaster

UPDATE: Square Enix has confirmed the original clip showing Sabin’s suplex not reversing the train’s orientation, just like the original Final Fantasy VI, will be fixed to properly recreate the original iconic scene in its full release.

ORIGINAL STORY: We’ve learned the Final Fantasy VI train suplex is ruined in the pixel remaster – effectively tarnishing one of the greatest moments in the classic JRPG.

While the Final Fantasy VI train suplex is ruined in the pixel remaster, fans of the original Final Fantasy VI will vividly remember how Sabin could actually suplex a sentient train. In the original game, any enemy Sabin suplexed would be slammed to the ground on their back. It was never clear if this was intentional on the original team’s part, but it was definitely a silly and memorable hidden gem in the game.

The pixel remaster is meant to present the original game but in crisp, high-definition pixel art – Square Enix teased the meme-worthy suplex in a video clip, but fans immediately noticed it’s wrong: when Sabin comes back down with the suplex, the train is right-side up.

Furthermore, the original localized name for that attack “suplex” has been replaced with the original Japanese-direct translation, “Meteor Strike.” Our initial look at the gameplay for the pixel remaster of Final Fantasy VI also has us concerned the walking animations are either poorly timed or possibly even missing frames. Hopefully Square remedies these issues before the re-release next week.

The Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster is set to launch on February 23rd across Windows PC (via Steam), iOS (via the App Store), and Android (via the Google Play Store). The most recent Pixel Remaster release was its predecessor, Final Fantasy V, which released in November 2021.



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