Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth director is an Xbox fan, wants trilogy on more platforms

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The director of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has come out in support of Xbox as a platform, even suggesting he wants the games to come to the platform in the near future.

Speaking in a new interview, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth director Naoki Hamaguchi said he wants to bring the Final Fantasy 7 remake trilogy to as many platforms as possible.

“In terms of Final Fantasy 7, there’s nothing really we can say at the moment, but certainly I do want to bring Final Fantasy 7 and the Remake series to as many players out there as possible,” Hamaguchi said to Gamesradar.

He added, “So we want to create that situation, that environment, where more players can play the games in future, and we want to look in that direction.”

Hamaguchi went on to say that while it used to be feasible to release a game exclusively on a single platform like PlayStation, making gamers get that platform, that’s no longer the case.

“I think this goes beyond Final Fantasy 7,” Hamaguchi said. “It really is a change in the industry, and I think certainly we’re feeling right now that the industry has changed in terms of there being so many different platforms and environments that people play games on these days.”

Coming from this, it’s worth noting Square Enix’s aggressive new multiplatform strategy has led to Final Fantasy XIV come to Xbox. The publisher teased the MMO landing on Xbox was just the starting point.

“It’s so much more diversified now, so I think that’s that’s probably why our CEO, Mr. [Takashi] Kiryu, made that decision to move more in the direction of multiplatform – that’s just the way that the industry is going,” Hamaguchi said.

While he doesn’t come out and say Xbox specifically when talking about bringing the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy to other platforms, he’s definitely a fan of the console. Xbox is also the only other platform that it hasn’t been ported to that could run it – considering the Switch’s inferior hardware.

“This is just a personal opinion now, but I’ve got an Xbox myself,” he replied. “I think it’s a great hardware platform. I do like Xbox.”

The latest in the remake trilogy, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, was released back in February 2024 for PS5 and is coming to PC next month. Check out our review for the game!



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